[Salon] Fwd: Live with Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Jan 29: Confirm Gabbard and Patel to Stop Wars and Lies

Though this endorsement carries as much or more weight than Tom Cotton's for Realists and Restrainers. 

And join others named below in working for the LaRouchite Oasis Plan. 

Live with Helga Zepp-LaRouche: 

Confirm Gabbard and Patel to Stop Wars and Lies

January 29, 11am EDT/5pm CET

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche in her Live Dialogue on Wednesday, January 29, 11 am EDT / 5pm CET. Send your questions and comments to questions@schillerinstitute.org.

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Diane Sare, President of The LaRouche Organization, notes in her statement, “Is There a Democrat in the Senate with Half the Integrity of Frank Church? If so, you will act to ensure the confirmation of Tulsi Gabbard and Kash Patel!”, that the confirmation hearings for Tulsi Gabbard and Kash Patel coincide with the 50 year anniversary of the establishment of the Church Committee:

“Fifty years ago today [Jan. 27], the U.S. Senate voted overwhelmingly to establish the Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, known as the “Church Committee,” chaired by Idaho Democratic Sen. Frank Church.

It was a turbulent period, following the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, his younger brother Robert, Malcolm X, and Martin Luther King, and the Vietnam War and the opposition to it. President Nixon had been forced out by “Watergate.” It had come to light that various U.S. government agencies had been involved in some rather unsavory and unconstitutional activities, both abroad and against American citizens at home, and members of the Senate, led by prominent Democrats—unlike the Democratic Party leadership of today—decided that an investigation was warranted. …”

In discussion with associates today, Helga Zepp-LaRouche said that the strategic situation today is so full of contradictions that the only thing one can really say is that these contradictions will sooner or later detonate, and until then there is no predictable course that things will take. This is why, therefore, actions must be taken now to put fundamentally new solutions on the table.

Zepp-LaRouche stated that she hopes Trump’s focus on the “Deep State” will lead to some changes that will redefine all the many parameters of the other topics. Obviously, the first big decision comes this week, this Wednesday and Thursday, [Jan. 30], when there will be Senate hearings concerning the appointments of Tulsi Gabbard and Kash Patel, for Director of National Intelligence and FBI Director, respectively.

The LaRouche Movement is fully mobilized to secure the nominations of Gabbard and Patel.

Zepp-LaRouche continued: “One of the best examples of the contradictions is that among the executive orders which Trump issued on Jan. 23, was one which creates a “U.S. Strategic Reserve of Cryptocurrency,” which called for protection of the U.S. dollar, “including through actions to promote the development and growth of lawful and legitimate dollar-backed stablecoins worldwide.”  Sergey Glazyev commented on that, on Jan. 25, and he said, “this innovation can have fatal consequences. If before this decision, the dollar financial pyramid was losing stability, mainly due to a decrease in external demand for dollar instruments, now domestic demand will also fall as the cryptocurrency market expands. … [T]his will inevitably undermine the financial foundations of the American state. … This already losing stability financial system can collapse under the onslaught of an avalanche of uncontrolled issued cryptocurrencies. … Trump limits dollar circulation to the existing banking system, not allowing the dollar to circulate in an alternative distributed ledger system.”

These developments underscore the necessity that all well-intentioned persons overcome their false axioms in economics, as well as other areas of thinking, and implement the physical economic principles of Lyndon LaRouche.

Take the case of Gaza. The ceasefire is still holding, despite significant tensions in the West Bank and Lebanon. What better opportunity to rebuild the West’s credibility and moral standing in the world than to use this moment to build up a beautiful, independent nation of Palestine by creating modern infrastructure and water systems, Lyndon LaRouche’s Oasis Plan, across the region, ensuring prosperity and stability there for decades to come? Such an endeavor could naturally be taken up together with China, a country which has already chosen the path of technological and economic development over financial speculation and militarization.

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche in her Live Dialogue on Wednesday, January 29, 11 am EDT / 5pm CET. Send your questions and comments to questions@schillerinstitute.org.

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See you Wednesday!

Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Schiller Institute, Founder

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Schiller Institute Releases New Pamphlet:

'Development Drive Means Billions of New Jobs, No Refugees, No War'

As a strategic intervention meant to knock the world off its current trajectory towards short-term military and economic Armageddon between two irreconcilable blocs—that of the bankrupt Western powers running the U.K, the U.S. and NATO, on the one hand; and that of the emerging Global Majority, including Russia and China, on the other—Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche commissioned a study that was released today under the title, “Development Drive Means Billions of New Jobs, No Refugees, No War.”

Download, Read and Share Here

Whatever the Doomsday Clock may now say—at last check, it was 90 seconds to midnight—the truth is, that we have now “crossed the red line” to World War Three. Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder of the Schiller Institute, and convener of the International Peace Coalition, has said that “the next six months may be the most dangerous in all human history.” In fact, we don’t immediately come to our senses, history—if there is any—may well record that Thermonuclear World War Three started, and the Doomsday Clock stopped, on August 6, 2024, the day that “Ukraine launched a surprise attack on Russia.”

Read Here 

Ten Principles of a New International Security and Development Architecture

Helga Zepp-LaRouche at the Nov. 22 Schiller Institute conference, “Stop the Danger of Nuclear War Now; Third Seminar of Political and Social Leaders of the World,” offered the following ten principles, upon which a new global security and development architecture could be founded. She added in her Nov. 24 webcast, “These ideas are meant to be food for thought and a dialogue among all people concerned to find a basis for a world order guaranteeing the durable existence of the human species.”

Read and Share Helga Zepp-LaRouche's 10 Principles

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